Workplace for Employees

Neurodiversity in the workplace

Do any of the following sound like you?

  • I confuse appointment dates, times and miss meetings.
  • I have difficulty with planning work schedules and deadlines.
  • I have problems with starting and finishing work.
  • I find it difficult taking notes and writing reports.
  • My spelling is inconsistent and inaccurate.
  • I often have to re-read information several times to get the meaning.
  • I forget verbal instructions.
  • I have poor short-term memory.
  • I am concerned about training and promotion.

But what about your strengths?

Are you able to find solutions quickly

Can you communicate with others in simple ways

Can you get to the point

Do you see your dyslexia thinking as a strength?

Dyslexic Thinking: Made by Dyslexia

Our Services for Employees

Workplace Coaching Strategies Training

Workplace Needs Assessment

Assistive Technology Training

Adult Screening

Consultancy and Training